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How to use the power of 3rd party data in digital marketing?

28th June 2018

Topic: Data Exchange
  • What is 3rd party data?
  • Data exchange - one of the world’s largest data warehouses
  • 3rd party data taxonomy
  • The higher quality of 3rd party data the better results of your campaigns
  • How you can use customer data in digital marketing?
  • Where you can buy third party data?
  • Use the power of third party data

[scrollHeadline headlines=”what-is-3rd-party-data,data-exchange-one-of-the-world-largest-data-warehouses,onaudience-3rd-party-data-taxonomy,the-higher-quality-of-3rd-party-data-the-better-results-of-your-campaigns,how-you-can-use-customer-data,where-you-can-buy-third-party-data,use-the-power-of-third-party-data” titles=”What is 3rd party data?,Data exchange – one of the world’s largest data warehouses, 3rd party data taxonomy,The higher quality of 3rd party data the better results of your campaigns,How you can use customer data in digital marketing?,Where you can buy third party data?,Use the power of third party data”]

3rd party data lets you target a specific audience in ad campaigns. Unlike 1st party data collected directly by companies, 3rd party data is delivered by other data providers. It includes a wide range of user attributes, such as online behavior, purchase intentions and interests. Find out how to use 3rd party data in marketing to boost your online campaigns’ effectiveness.

What is 3rd party data?

3rd party data - user icon

Basically, 3rd party data are pieces of information about online users. It includes interests, demography and purchase intentions. By using 3rd party data you can precisely target audience group to show them ads i.e. of your new car.

You choose the list of attributes of the target group, such as age, gender, interests: automotive, travel, and purchase intentions: cars. And your ads will see only this narrow group, not customers that aren’t interested in the products you sell.

Using 3rd party data help you save the budget, and your customers save time, that could be spent for looking for a product.

Custom Audience - builder button

Data providers pay publishers to collect customer data from their websites. Providers cooperate with many online publishers to receive as much data across the Web as possible. Unlike 1st party data, 3rd party allows marketers to know which websites on the Web customers visit, what products of which brands they saw, so marketers know what their customers are going to purchase.

3rd party data can be used not only in targeting the right audience in online campaigns. It is also crucial in enriching systems like CRM in companies or in developing Business Intelligence solutions. By matching customers’ IDs, firms are filling the gaps in their clients’ profiles, such as interests or demography. Having this information is highly important in creating personalized ads that helps improve the effects of digital marketing activities.

Data exchange – one of the world’s largest data warehouses

You can get 3rd party data on global platforms owned by data providers. is one of the biggest warehouses in the world, including 21 billion user profiles from 200 markets globally. It is a huge database where you can find your new clients in many new markets.

Our platform allows you to create custom segments, so you can precisely define what audience will be the target of your ads. You can choose from over 500 segments. Our data taxonomy you can find below: 3rd party data taxonomy

3rd party data taxonomy

The higher quality of 3rd party data the better results of your campaigns

When you have access to the right data about customers you’re on the halfway to a successful campaign. You also need high quality data to ensure it will work well. In other words, the quality of data guarantees that your ads will finally be seen by the selected target group of clients (not bots or customers with other attributes that you had chosen).

One of the most trustworthy market tests of data quality is Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings. Using the global database of ad campaigns, Nielsen sets mid-market values for segments in various regions. Percentage of the on-target value define the accuracy of displaying ads to the specific user groups. For example, a score of 60% in Men segment, means that 60% of all ad views were delivered to the selected group.

Using independent market standard Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings we run a test of UK customers’ demographic data that has been used in online campaigns.

The result shows that 3rd party data we provide overtook benchmark levels even of 16 percentage points, which proves the highest quality of the data.

3rd party data quality verification - nielsen DAR

How you can use customer data in digital marketing?

In a few words, 3rd party data lets you run more effective digital campaigns. It is mostly used in programmatic campaigns. By using knowledge about Internet users you can easily:

  • run personalized ad campaigns
  • send tailored marketing messages
  • precisely target your audience
  • reach out to new customers

All these activities are a target to improve your digital presence, increase sales and give your customers exactly what they need. Know their profiles and give them what they expect. If they’ll get it, you significantly improve the effects of your marketing efforts.

Where you can buy third party data?

Segments are available for buying through global data platform. You can find loads of customer data and choose profiles that you need the most. Remember that not only quantity counts. Highly important is the quality of provided data because it is directly connected to the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Our segments are available through global data platforms as branded data. You can find data on:

global data platforms - partners

Use the power of third party data

Data is the fuel of digital marketing. Its value is growing year over year and in 2018 it will exceed 18 billion dollars, according to Global Data Market Size Report. To run personalized campaigns you need data, and to make them effective, you need high-quality data.

Target audience - button

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