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Content Marketing for B2B: how to deal with it?

29th January 2020

Topic: Case Studies, Data Stream, Programmatic
  • Benefits of Content Marketing for B2B businesses
  • What is Content Marketing and its top channels
  • Big Data Content Marketing: a case study
  • Conclusion

Last year over 80% of marketers increased their budgets in content marketing or declared that spendings stayed on the same level, according to Content Institute Marketing (CMI). This year Content Marketing for B2B will be on top.  Moreover, together with Big Data content marketing will be extremely helpful and profitable for both B2C and B2B businesses.

The amount of B2B businesses is growing rapidly worldwide as B2B cooperation now became more profitable for both sides of the deal. So that their individual needs now being met by modern marketing technologies too. B2B companies seek quality instead of quantity, long-term working relationships instead of short contracts. This means that B2B client prefers value-driven solutions, not sweet promises about the best market offer. It’s a perfect place for a solid Content Marketing B2B campaign.

Having a small or big target audience, you have to arm up your Content Marketing for B2B campaign with audience data that will represent its major characteristics that typify them from the rest of internet users. Big Data development is one of the most prospective trends this year as it helps to reach your customers intelligently without wasting your ad budget.

See how Data Stream works

Benefits of Content Marketing for B2B businesses

Content is one of the most effective channels to promote your business online and engage other parties in cooperation. Statistically, 79% of people are happy to look at the offer information before making a final decision. So how content marketing can be helpful for B2B business here? It allows creating engaging content with specific B2B requirements being met and placing it into an organic B2B environment. Content Marketing for B2B campaign is focused rather on the small target audience, it’s less personal and more value-driven with the main goal to raise brand awareness, generate leads and build user engagement.

CMI reports that 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing solutions to reach clients. Let’s see what results brought the most successful content marketing campaigns. Stats are delivered by Content Marketing Institute:

  • marketers who use content marketing video get 66% more leads per year,
  • 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement,
  • 72% say it has increased the number of leads.

Now Twitter’s statistics show high content marketing ROI:

  • 66% of people have found a new business on Twitter,
  • 69% of people bought something because of a tweet,
  • 94% plan to make a purchase from a business they follow.

What is Content Marketing and its top channels

So, what exactly content marketing is? This technology is based on creating attractive content, which will be interwoven into the subject matter of your digital environment. The basis of content marketing campaign brief is behavioral data that is verified and precisely analyzed based on the customer buying journey. This is what Big Data Content Marketing allows – to analyze the page visitors’ behavior in real-time, during your campaign.

There are distribution channels for content marketing content campaign that depending on the final goal and target audience can be used respectively. There is also plenty of possible content marketing formats that you can use for your content marketing campaign:


Big Data Content Marketing: a case study

In Big Data Content Marketing for B2B actions are supported by Big Data analysis. This way created content is natural and valuable for selected target groups and is presented to the audience in a tailored way.

For a better depiction of Big Data Content Marketing campaign’s working in action, let’s take as an example a case of Big Data content marketing B2C campaign for a school supplies seller brand Kayet.

Although the campaign was directed to consumers, let’s take a look at the crucial stages of Big Data Content Marketing campaign, that are the same in actions aimed at business audiences.
The campaign was planned and performed by Audience Network agency and took place one month before a new academic year begins in schools and was targeted to the parents that were taking their kids to school.

The goal of the campaign was to build brand awareness, find new customers and promote products within online channels. The target audience was parents with kids 1-4 years old. The following actions were taken during the campaign stages:



1. Analysis and planning

The agency started with collecting data about users interested in Kayet products that either visited blog posts or viewed an ad. The analysis was a foundation for campaign strategy and optimization.

2. Distributing content with big data analysis

As a distribution channel for the future posts about Kayet products were picked blogs with parenting subject. Kayet’s offers were actively distributed among the blog visitors, where their reactions were noted. Information about blog readers and users who also visited Kayet’s official page was collected via cookies and then precisely analyzed on DMP.

3. Creating custom segments: retargeting and look-alike modeling

Based on behavioral reports the agency created a dedicated custom segment that had characteristics similar to the best converting users. Their attributes also were taken as a foundation for look-alike segments that were created to find new customers. Analyzed customer journey helped to optimize the campaign and reach more users with retargeting actions by showing ads to those, who were interested in products, but eventually didn’t make a conversion.

4. Running performance campaign

Simultaneously with the content marketing campaign, the agency ran a display campaign. It was the second source of data about the target audience and helped to identify segments of the best performing users. It was a great insight to optimize the campaign and tailor messages to the right attributes, such as interests and age.

5. Reporting

On the final stage agency precisely analyzed the target user behavior and delivered a detailed report with campaign results:

  • a number of unique users,
  • CTR during each of display campaign stages,
  • a number of new clients found with look-alike segment,
  • a number of users who visited main product page straight from the blog,
  • a number of viewed main and product pages, bounce rate,
  • CTR, clicks and video viewability during the performance marketing campaign.

Final results of the campaign brought to the following numbers:

  • CTR was 78% more than estimated,
  • engagement rate raised up to 116%, bounce rate to 18,5%,
  • 89,42% of users in the content marketing campaign was unique – the agency attracted the attention of large target group to target them in display campaigns.


CMI adds: in the 2019 research, 58% of marketers said they were pursuing their marketing goals with Content Marketing for B2B technology successfully, compared with 68% of all respondents for 2020. It makes us think that the content marketing campaign can be extremely helpful for B2B market with good planning and tailoring its content to the target audience. Additionally, Big Data analysis brings additional information related to the potential customers, which helps to find new business partners.

Depending on your business goal, you can reach your target groups with valuable, engaging content and distribute it in the right place at the right time.

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